Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Florida voters to decide abortion rights threat

By triji Apr 9, 2024

The inclusion of an amendment that guarantees the right to abortion on the ballot in the elections that will take place in the United States in November was approved by the Supreme Court of Florida on Monday.

This amendment is becoming increasingly endangered in states that are headed by Republicans.

This success of abortion rights activists in their fight to put this issue at the heart of the campaign was, however, clearly tempered by a decision rendered simultaneously by the highest court of this south-eastern state, which authorized the entry into force of a law prohibiting abortion beyond six weeks of pregnancy. This allowed the law to go into effect.

During his campaign against his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump, the outgoing Democratic President, Joe Biden, made the protection of the right to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy a central focus of his campaign.

For the purpose of facilitating the mobilization of the Democratic electorate, particularly among young people, advocates for abortion rights are attempting to place this topic on the ballot in around fifteen states throughout the country. A number of these states, including Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, are likely to have a significant impact on the outcome of the election.

Their cases have already been successful in the states of New York and Maryland, and they are now successful in the state of Florida.

An amendment to the Constitution of Florida that would “limit state interference in abortion” is the subject of a citizen petition that has amassed the necessary number of signatures, which is approximately 900,000.

The objections raised by Republican officials are dismissed by the state Supreme Court, which “approves placing the proposed amendment on the ballot” for the presidential and legislative elections that will take place in November 2014.

This amendment will be added to the Bill of Rights section of the Florida Constitution if it receives a vote of approval from at least sixty percent of the voters.

It bans “the adoption of any law prohibiting, criminalizing, delaying, or restricting abortion before viability or when it is necessary to protect the health of the patient.” The viability of the fetus is typically assessed to be approximately 24 weeks at the time of the abortion.

Lauren Brenzel, who was one of the people who started the petition, expressed her satisfaction with the decision made by the Supreme Court. She made a statement in which she mentioned that state officials were “trying to ban abortion before most women would even go.”

“Floridians witnessed their legislature pass a ban on abortion beginning at 15 weeks and then six weeks, and this is our opportunity to participate in direct democracy to put an end to these policies that are unpopular and harmful,” she continued.

Due to the fact that instantaneously, the highest court in Florida denied on Monday the suspension of a legislation that was promulgated in April 2023 by the Republican governor of the state, Ron DeSantis, that prohibited abortions beyond the sixth week of pregnancy. Therefore, this text will become effective thirty days after it is written.

In March, Donald Trump, the Republican who serves as Joe Biden’s predecessor, gave indications that he would be in favor of a countrywide ban that would last for more than 15 or 16 weeks.

On the other hand, he also took into consideration that it was not the responsibility of the federal administration to make decisions about these questions. He cautioned against the electoral cost of taking an excessively conservative stance on this profoundly delicate matter.

As a response, the campaign team for Joe Biden issued a news statement that stated, “This new extreme ban – for which Donald Trump personally opened the way – will represent a ban for the entire southeast” of the country.

Donald Trump takes great delight in the fact that he was able to reverse the decision that was made in June 2022 by the Supreme Court of the United States, which abolished the federal guarantee of the right to abortion. This was accomplished by the appointments that he made to the Supreme Court.

As a result of this ruling, which gave states complete authority to enact legislation in this area, around twenty states have either outright prohibited or severely restricted access to abortion.

By triji

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