Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

It all comes down to whether the chance of winning is worth it.

By triji Apr 15, 2024

On television, David Broncano will be appearing. It’s also possible that this is only the first of many controversies that may follow in the future.

At long last, Broncano and ‘The Resistance’ receive their TVE premiere. After weeks of debate that have brought to light the delicate internal scenario that the RTVE Board is going through, the signing of the comedian and his crew for access to La 1 has finally become a reality. After four attempts, it was finally adopted in a vote that was extremely close and in which the president’s casting vote was exercised during an extraordinary meeting.

An intricate negotiation process. Broncano’s entrance at RTVE appeared to have been permanently halted on Thursday, when the Council was trapped in a very complicated situation: there are 10 councilors, but two of them were not there, one owing to resignation and another due to non-appearance. Broncano’s entry at RTVE appeared to have been permanently halted.

When it comes to the final eight, it is necessary to have an absolute majority of five votes; however, this was not feasible due to the fact that Martín Medem chose to abstain from voting, so preventing the decision from being made. This is because in the absence of a tie, the casting vote of the president who ultimately prevailed does not come into play. yep, on Wednesday of this week.

Politics within the council. It is hard to address the issue of the long tail that this decision is bringing without first acknowledging the fact that this decision is, above all else, a political issue: in the vote that took place on Thursday, the councilors of the PSOE and the PNV were in favor of the decision, while those of the PP were against it.

Throughout the entirety of the previous week, there was discussion on social networks regarding the probable signature of Broncano as a political maneuver that was dictated by the government. This is an implausible scenario, considering that not even the RTVE board has previously evaluated the Council’s proceedings. To tell the truth, however, the political affinities that are encountered within the body are very evident.

The motorcycles are the focus. On the other hand, it is impossible to discuss the matter without mentioning Pablo Motos, who is the most obvious problem in the room. Because of the open confrontation that the presenter has had on multiple occasions with the current PSOE and because of the conservative beliefs that are revealed in the Antena 3 program, the signing of Broncano is being interpreted as a strike by the government against “El hormiguero.”

This is owing to the fact that the presenter has been exhibited in the program. On Wednesday afternoon, Broncano and ‘La Resistencia’ were popular topics on Twitter. This is significant since Pablo Motos and ‘El hormiguero’ were also hot topics at the same time. An argument may be made that the signing is more interesting for the opposition than it is for the values that it upholds.

I am Broncano, the one with the bad mouth. There is a concern that is brought to light by this signing, and that is whether or not Broncano and ‘La Resistencia’ are capable of preserving the fluid and combative tone that they have exhibited throughout their tenure at Movistar Plus+. We must keep in mind that we are in access, which is a temporal zone that is not considered to be immature,

But where it would be unhelpful to exhibit really hostile attitudes (although Broncano is pretty harmless politically; certainly, more so than Motos). On the other hand, Motos features content (the experiments, the games) that is characteristic of a children’s program and invites, quite literally, the most renowned individuals in Spain. Broncano, on the other hand, typically invites visitors to his program who occasionally border on underground culture.

Another political weapon to be used. Additionally, there is no longer an issue of audiences (which is also true: “The Anthill” is well-liked by the younger generation). We also return to the use of ‘The Resistance’ as a political weapon: if Broncano’s program does not operate well at the audience level, it will become an ingredient on the grid that the opposition will be able to blame the Government for, because Broncano’s contract gives them the ability to do so. Due to the fact that it is protected for two seasons, it cannot be terminated before that time (although it is possible to do so late at night). In the event that ‘The Resistance’ is unsuccessful, RTVE will be left with a weight that it will be unable to find a way to discharge.

Many bills in a pile. The extraordinarily high price that El Terrat and Encofrados Encofrasa are going to charge, which is 14 million euros per season, seems to be the primary source of contention that has the potential to start a genuine political conflict. As of right now, the cost of each program of ‘The Resistance‘ is 87,000 euros, which is just a hair higher than the cost of ‘El Hormiguero’ (80,000 euros each program) or, to compare with another El Terrat program, the now-defunct ‘Late Motiv’ by Buenafuente, which cost 50,000 euros every program.

This is the role that the public plays. In the event that the program does not end up acquiring popularity (after the second season, it may be canceled if in six months it does not reach a screen share of 7.5%, according to sources from the Council informed Efe), the opposition may, without a doubt, ask if the program would be canceled.

If it makes sense for an organization like RTVE to get involved in a war of bidding, signings, and hearings, which have nearly always been a source of contention for private firms, then RTVE should do so. If the public television network spends all of this money trying to attract viewers, does it lose its mission to provide a service to the public? There is no question that this is an excellent subject to talk about at the upcoming meeting of the Board of Directors.

It has been determined by the Board of Directors of RTVE to postpone the vote on the contract that David Broncano, the presenter of the program “La Resistencia,” is seeking to be awarded. This decision was made as a result of the rejection of Elena Sanchez, the former president who was fired, who had prevented the acceptance of the contract that was worth multiple millions of dollars. Despite the fact that Sánchez is no longer serving as president, she is still a councilor, and the fact that she was not present at the meeting prevented the necessary votes from being gained in order to accept the contract.

On RTVE, the signing of Broncano has been the source of a significant amount of dispute. Since the beginning of March, there has been a talk regarding the possibility of employing the host in order to compete on the primetime schedule of the network. On the other hand, the deal has been met with opposition, which has resulted in an unparalleled pulse within the aforementioned organization.

Elena Sánchez, who was serving as the interim president of RTVE at the time, has been one of the most vocal opponents of Broncano’s participation in the signing process. Due to her refusal to comply with the terms of her contract, she was terminated from her position at the most recent meeting. In spite of this, Sanchez continues to serve as a director, and she has prevented the contract from being approved by either not attending the meeting or leaving her vote to another person. As a result of this circumstance, the decision has been held off for yet another time.

The arrangement that was initially suggested anticipated a relationship between Broncano and RTVE that would last for three years and result in a cost of fourteen million euros per season. The most recent plan, on the other hand, shortened the period of the contract to two years and stipulated that it could be terminated at the conclusion of the first year if the program did not achieve a 7.5% audience share. In addition, this plan has not been put to a vote because the councilors have not been able to reach a consensus on it.

There is still ongoing discussion on RTVE over Broncano’s signing, despite the challenges and delays that have occurred. The final decision regarding whether or not to hire him is still pending, and it is anticipated that it will be discussed at upcoming meetings of the Board of Directors.–661d0f52989f9#goto6031

By triji

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