Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Escobar: Prime Minister Kurti is not communicating.

By triji Mar 13, 2024

Gabriel Escobar, the United States Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, stated on Tuesday that “the partnership between the United States and Kosovo is between the American people and the people of Kosovo and does not depend on one person or one party.

” This statement is a reiteration of a position that has been reiterated by American officials in recent days, who have made a distinction between the government and the citizens of Kosovo.

He made these remarks during a conversation with journalists from Brussels, which is where he started his trip to Europe. During his trip, he is anticipated to remain in Pristina, where he will discuss the process of repairing relations with Serbia as well as the issue of utilizing the dinar in residential areas. possessing a majority of Serbians.

The United States of America has made a request to Kosovo to delay the execution of the decision, while at the same time highlighting the fact that the lack of cooperation surrounding this matter has had an impact on the quality of the collaboration between the two governments.

It is necessary for me to mention that we are now experiencing difficulties in communicating with the Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, and this is not a problem that is unique to the United States. I think it is a problem in communication that Kosovo has with the European Union, with NATO, with Great Britain, with the United States and many other partners, including Albania and North Macedonia”, said Mr. Escobar, emphasizing that the States of The United States has had “a very, very close partnership with Kosovo in the past; we would love to get that kind of relationship back to the way it used to be.”

While Mr. Escobar was expressing his desire for the government of Kosovo to take into account the concerns of the international community regarding the treatment of minorities, he also provided a list of reasons that are concerning with regard to the implementation of the decision made by the Central Bank of Kosovo regarding the usage of the dinar.

“To begin, there is the rate at which the implementation is carried out. Rather than discussing the legitimacy of the decision, we will be discussing how it will be implemented. The implementation of the decision to adopt the euro took about a year, whereas in the northern part of Kosovo, they plan to execute it in a period of less than three weeks. The second issue is that the government did not offer an alternative for individuals to obtain the funds to which they are legally entitled.

It was two weeks prior to the announcement of the decision that Kosovo, along with the other nations of the Western Balkans, reached an agreement on a payment mechanism that will be put into effect by the end of the year. With regard to the fifth point, we are attempting to persuade Kosovo to grant permission to the international community to offer technical support in order to settle this matter. According to Mr. Escobar, Kosovo needs to collaborate with the international community in order to find a solution to this choice, which was both inept and disastrous.

His call to Kosovo was to fulfill the legal responsibility to establish the Association of Serb-majority towns, which, according to him, would assist in resolving the dinar issue. At the same time, he gave Kosovo the assurance that the Association would not be a Serbian Republic or a state within a state.

Diplomats from the United States have issued a warning to the government of Kosovo, stating that the lack of cooperation is a barrier to the United States’ commitment to assisting Kosovo in its progress toward Euro-Atlantic integration. According to Mr. Escobar, the five countries who do not recognize Kosovo’s independence are the ones that stand in the way of Kosovo’s entry into the European Union and NATO. These five nations all want to see progress made on topics that are in accordance with the conversation that is fostered by the European Union.

The Kosovo government is neglecting its European allies by not participating in the dialogue. We will never be able to persuade them to take the next step toward strengthening Kosovo’s integration into the international community. “I am very concerned that Kosovo is not listening to the American offer for partnership in further and faster integration of Kosovo,” Mr. Escobar said. “I see this as a very concerning development.”

He issued an appeal to Kosovo and Serbia, urging them to carry out all of the agreements that were achieved in Brussels and Ohrid the previous year, and to refrain from engaging in any behaviors that could be detrimental to the agreements and lead to an increase in tensions between the two nations.

It has been frequently pointed out by independent observers that the United States’ strategy toward the Western Balkans has shifted as a result of the aggression that Russia has shown in Ukraine. However, according to Mr. Escobar, the urgency with which to confront issues to the sustainability of Europe has shifted. Taking this into consideration, he stated that it is of much more importance to find solutions to some of the problems that are occurring in the Western Balkans. One of these solutions is to make it possible for Serbia to become more integrated into the Euro-Atlantic institutions.

When we do this, we want to make sure that we do not jeopardize any of the other partnerships and alliances that we have in the neighbourhood. Kosovo is one of such countries. It was said by him that Kosovo is a very significant partner.

Mr. Escobar, who will also remain in Montenegro, stated that the solution to the problems in the Balkans would eliminate the opportunities for Russia to take advantage of any instability in the region in order to undermine the security of the transatlantic region.

Gabriel Escobar, the United States Department of State’s ambassador for the Western Balkans, has referred to the decision of the Kosovo authorities to adopt the regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo that specifies the euro as the currency for cash transactions as “catastrophic” and “incompetent.”

In Kosovo towns with a predominantly Serb population, the usage of the Serbian dinar has been prohibited as a result of this ruling.

These words were delivered by him in Brussels, Belgium, during an open conversation with local journalists.

“We strongly urge the government of Kosovo to take into consideration the concerns of the Serbian community as well as international mechanisms for the treatment of minorities within Kosovo,”

He brought up the fact that it took France about a year to accept the euro, whereas in northern Kosovo, “they wanted to implement the decision within three weeks.”

Despite the fact that the United States does not dispute the legitimacy of the decision, Escobar emphasized that the United States has concerns over the manner in which it is executed and the impact it has on the Serbian population.

A series of meetings will be held by Escobar in the countries of Belgium, Kosovo, Austria, and Montenegro between the dates of March 10 and March 18.

On March 13, Escobar is anticipated to begin the meetings that will take place in Pristina.

It was stated by him that during the trip to Pristina, there will be an emphasis placed on finding a “possible solution to the coordinated decision to stop the dinar as well as transfers from Serbia to the citizens of Kosovo, who depend on them.”

The Serbian government has announced that it provides salaries, pensions, and additional help to the Serbs living in Kosovo, as well as allocating millions of euros to them.

It has been acknowledged by Escobar that there is a divide in diplomatic communications between the United States of America and Kosovo.

There is no single individual or party in Kosovo that is responsible for the collaboration that exists between the United States of America and Kosovo, as well as between the people of the United States and the people of Kosovo. Having said that, I feel obligated to mention that we are now experiencing difficulties in communicating with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti. The United States of America is not the only country that has a problem with Kosovo; the European Union, NATO, the United Kingdom, and other partners, such as Albania and North Macedonia, are also having issues.

In the past, he stated that communication with Kosovo has been quite favourable, and he expressed the hope that this will continue to be the case in the future.

In response to a question about why he is not going to North Macedonia, he stated that the situation in Kosovo is “terrible,” and that he therefore needs to go to Kosovo.

From Escobar’s perspective, the discussion between Kosovo and Serbia, which had been launched in 2011 with mediation from the European Union, was currently at a “critical moment.”

He admitted that Washington has concerns over the course that the Brussels agreements and the Ohrid deal are taking, and that they are “on the right track.” He also stated that, from the American point of view, “there is no alternative to dialogue.”

In particular, he noted that Kosovo is obligated to work toward the formation of the Association of towns with a majority Serb population, while Serbia is obligated to make certain that its obligations are legally binding and cannot be reversed.

When Escobar was asked about the potential repercussions that could occur for Kosovo and Serbia in the event that the Ohrid Agreement was not implemented, he said that the process of European integration would be slowed considerably.

The government of Kosovo and the government of Serbia came to an agreement in February 2023 with the intention of repairing relations between the two countries.

In March of that year, Ohrid was also the location where an agreement was made about the implementation annex of the principle agreement. In the course of the conversation, Escobar also brought up the topic of the United States’ help to Kosovo in the Euro-Atlantic processes.

“It is impossible to convince non-recognizing countries to move forward with integrations if Kosovo ignores dialogue and European partners,” the American ambassador said. “If Kosovo does not engage in dialogue with European partners, it will be too late.”

Yes, I am quite concerned about the fact that Kosovo is not listening to the United States’ offer of partnership in order to progress Kosovo’s integration in a more rapid and comprehensive manner.

While Escobar was being questioned about whether or not the United States’ policy toward Kosovo and Serbia have shifted since the beginning of Russia’s conflict in Ukraine in February 2022, he said that nothing of the sort has occurred.

On the other hand, the urgency with which we must handle risks to European stability within the European continent has completely shifted.

When considering this matter, Escobar came to the conclusion that it is of the utmost importance “to begin addressing some open issues in the Western Balkans.”

He claims that Moscow is not always to blame for the events that are taking place in the Balkan region, despite the fact that this opens the door to Russia’s negative influence. He also mentions that the issues are extremely ingrained and have been going on for a considerable amount of time.

We had anticipated that by resolving these concerns, we would be able to exclude any possibility of Russia taking advantage of turmoil in the Balkans as a means of reducing the importance of transatlantic security.

By triji

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