Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Immigration, reproductive rights help Biden, Trump win voters.

By triji Mar 12, 2024

During the weekend, both US President Joe Biden and his Republican opponent Donald Trump drove to the state of Georgia to hold parallel rallies with their respective fans. This occurred as voters in the United States were getting ready for a new round of primaries on Tuesday.

Veronica Balderas Iglesias, a correspondent for Voice of America, provides a report on the primary reasons that the two politicians have presented. These politicians are getting closer than they have ever been to officially receiving the candidacy of their respective parties for the presidential elections of 2024.

During an event that took place in Atlanta, Georgia, with his supporters, President Joe Biden underlined the importance of voting for American freedoms in the elections that will take place in November.

In the days leading up to the primary election in the state, which will take place on Tuesday, he reminded voters of the views that his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, has toward abortion rights.

“He entered office with the intention of overturning the Roe v. Wade decision. He boasts about it, in point of fact. He was successful in getting his demand granted, and states are now passing laws that punish doctors, which will force victims of rape and incest to flee the states. people to seek assistance,” Mr. Biden stated.

However, according to Mr. Biden, Georgia has the ability to assist in the protection of women’s reproductive rights.

“Give me a Congress that supports the right to choose, and I promise you, I will restore Roe v. Wade,” according to Vice President Biden.

During his campaign on Saturday, former President Trump also made an appearance, but this time it was in northwest Georgia. There, he delivered a scathing critique of President Biden’s State of the Union address.

“Take a look at the dreadful status of the country, regardless of whether you are a Republican, an Independent, or a disillusioned Democrat, of whom there are many. Before he proceeded to discuss the United States of America, the con artist Joe Biden discussed Ukraine. According to Mr. Trump, Joe Biden should not express anger to the United States of America; rather, the United States should express fury to him.

The former president also voiced his disapproval of the immigration policy of Vice President Joe Biden and brought up the incident that occurred on February 22 when nursing student Laken Riley was killed. It is believed that she was murdered by a Venezuelan immigrant who had illegally entered the territory of the United States.

“He was an illegal immigrant who should not be in our country and would never be under my leadership.”A policy that provides illegal aliens who enter the United States with immunity from deportation has been adopted by Vice President Joe Biden, according to president Trump.

When referring to the person who is accused of killing Ms. Riley, Vice President Biden used the term “illegal” during his State of the Union speech. He later apologized for his use of the term and defended his immigration policies on Saturday.

“I have introduced a comprehensive plan to fix our immigration system, to secure our border, to provide a path to citizenship for the undocumented and their families, the farm workers, the essential workers who helped us during the pandemic and who are part of the structure of our community” , according to Vice President Biden.

Both of the candidates for president made statements over the weekend that emphasized the importance of people going to the polls and supporting them in their efforts to obtain the presidential nominations of their respective parties of choice.

“I am requesting that you come along with us in our laudable endeavor to save our nation. With the help of one another, we will triumph over the nightmare that was the presidency of Joe Biden,” Mr. Trump added.

“It’s a battle for the soul of this nation, between those who want to pull America back and those who want to take the country forward,” according to Vice President Biden.

In addition to Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi, and Washington, primary elections are scheduled to take place on Tuesday. Obtaining all of the delegates, or even only a portion of them, might lead to the nomination of the party for president being awarded to either of the two competitors.

In the moments leading up to the State of the Union, Vice President Biden was hobbling along the campaign road. There were Democrats who were concerned that his age and his listless temperament were bringing him down, and some of them were even on his own staff. A lot of people, including myself, were curious about whether or not he could still punch.

The Vice President of the United States who appeared at the ringside on Thursday night was an entirely different kind of animal. He came anxious to put on the gloves, and he was passionate, fiery, and focused on his goals. The Democrats experienced a surge of enthusiasm once more, despite the fact that there were times when he went beyond the bounds of reasonable expectations and made promises that were beyond his ability to fulfill.

The question that is more important to consider is the extent to which Biden may have altered the odds in the overall contest. Veterans of the political arena have a tendency to believe that a solid performance at a State of the Union is only worth three or four days of positive press before it stops being significant. This could very well be the situation in this instance.

On the other hand, when observing how the cheers in the hall became increasingly loud, one couldn’t help but wonder: Was it different this time? Would it be possible for Democrats to truly flip this contest around? Hold on tight… Despite the fact that we won’t know for a long, it is already abundantly evident that people feel there is a renewed sense of hope in the air as a result of Biden’s leadership.

Before becoming a professor emeritus at the Harvard Kennedy School, David Gergen worked as a White House consultant to presidents of both parties. He is currently a professor of public leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Instead of being an uplifting, substantial, and unifying message, President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address took the form of a cynical and politicized campaign stump speech right from the beginning of his tenure as vice president.

In only a few minutes, Vice President Biden addressed all of the primary fear-mongering campaign themes that the Democratic Party intends to run on this year. The president concentrated on wedge issues, such as abortion and the riots that occurred on January 6, 2021, despite the fact that research conducted by Gallup indicates that these topics are fairly low on the priority list of what Americans consider to be the most critical issues.

It was also common for Biden to misrepresent the record of his predecessor. For instance, he failed to disclose that previous President Donald Trump’s criticism of NATO members centered on the inability of allies to pay their agreed 2% share of gross domestic product on defense spending. Biden was obsessed with the idea that rich families in the United States should pay “their fair share” in taxes, but he failed to hold other NATO countries accountable for their fair portion of defense spending. This speech is typical, tone-deaf, and designed to put America last.

He boasted about the enormous “job creation” that his administration had accomplished, but he failed to mention that many of those positions had merely been restored following the Covid incident. When it came to student loans, he cynically pandered, boasting about his reduction in loans for Americans despite the fact that he had been rebuked by the judiciary for his efforts. It is ironic that by doing so, Biden is continuing his efforts to assist people who are more educated and wealthy at the expense of those who are less educated and have fewer credentials. In addition, he did not accept responsibility for the immigration crisis that is putting pressure on even major cities that are governed by Republican politicians.

In his remarks, Vice President Biden ought to have demonstrated statesmanship and transcended ideological barriers. His unprecedented rhetoric, on the other hand, sounded like a party boss who was trying to cling to power despite the fact that approval ratings were falling. It was Biden’s decision to take a jab not only at the Republicans in Congress who were present, but also at Trump, who was an unnoticed political competitor. The people of the United States of America deserve a president who will not engage in political squabbling but rather provide us with a program that is centered on optimism.

By triji

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